The following testimonial came from a client of ours, iRISEmedia on a service we performed last February:
“Recently a huge part of our wired network went down, which we identified the problem to a Netgear switch dying on us. This switch was purchased brand-new, and had 16 ports, 8 of which were POE. We had it for about three years when it went. POE ports are important to our day-to-day operation as our phones, all VoIP POE phones.
We considered the alternatives: a) buying a new Netgear switch, b) buying a new Cisco switch, or c) buying a used Cisco switch. Netgear was attractive in price at $180 from an online retailer; however, the switch we needed was unavailable in-store and would take 5-7 business days to reach us. Considering that the vast majority of our business is internet-based, this was unacceptable in that we needed to be up that very day.
We looked into purchasing a brand-new Cisco switch, since after all, Cisco is touted as being the best in computer networking. In addition, it has a reputation of lasting a long while. There is a reason why it’s a name brand and that it enjoys the success that it does. However, with a name brand comes a price tag. Getting a brand-new 24 port POE switch for our needs would run us hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. This was out.
Then came the Used Cisco switch option. We ended up purchasing a used Cisco Catalyst 3750 series PoE-24 port switch for $200 from Network I.T. The cost was a little higher than if we purchased a brand new Netgear switch, but was competitive nonetheless. In fact, a bit of online research found the same switch on other sites to range from $350-$1,800. Relying on Cisco as well as the trustworthiness of Network I.T., we “took the plunge” and bought the switch, then couriered it to our location. The used Cisco switch, made way back in 2007, was huge and looked like a serious piece of equipment, lending to its “high-end” feel. We never looked back. The switch connected everything quickly and beautifully. We now anticipate using this Cisco switch, “used” as it may be, for a number of more years. We are already feeling that our investment in a used Cisco switch is paying off.
Thank you Network I.T. for providing us with an excellent refurbished product as well as excellent service.
The iRISE-media Team”
Network I.T.’s Specialization
Network I.T. can give you a good value for your product. Network I.T. specializes in:
a. Used Cisco POE Switches
b. Used Cisco Gigabit Switches
Network I.T. buys and sells refurbished and used Cisco routers and switches in Toronto, the GTA and throughout Canada. Contact Network I.T. today for best pricing.