Many businesses are selling HP used servers and parts in order to transfer their business and digital assets from local servers to cloud servers. On the face, this seems like a great idea. Cloud computing can be an affordable solution for any business that needs to run a website, or an intranet, or an online support ticket system.
Cloud computing surely makes sense if you have employees that work remotely or travel a lot for work. However, do not throw out your server just yet. There is still value in having them around the office.
Before you decide to sell HP used servers to technology retailers or on Craigslist, be sure that this is something that you really want to do, and be sure that you will not miss having a local server around. There are many benefits of having a local server.
The Top Three Benefits to Consider Before Selling HP Used Servers
A Backup Copy of Your Files
Sure, cloud computing is awesome and carefree, but having a local server around makes your network configuration better. You should have a local server around in order to keep local backups of all your files. While cloud servers are easier to access, any server can go down temporarily. Although you will eventually be able to regain access your files, time is money, and when money is on the line, you need a simple solution.
A local server will never fail you and you can always be sure that you can access your files on it, regardless of what is going on online.
A Server Disconnected from Your Network
Disconnecting your server from your network can be a wise choice, especially if you want to prevent against security hacks. There are two main ways a security hack can happen: online or offline. Online hacks are perpetrated via social engineering, stealing passwords, keylogging, and more. Offline hacks require physical access to your computer and networks and may involve malware on a flash drive, for instance.
Offline hacks are harder to perpetrate because physical access is required. Since your employees are good, trustworthy people, you should not worry much about hackers gaining physical access to your local server.
It May Be Cheaper to Use a Local Server Eventually
Depending on your server needs, you may find use for a local server, as well as a cloud server. Cloud servers can be expensive to use and maintain if you have a lot of requirements for your server. In that case, you should probably not sell HP used servers that you have. Instead, use them to offset the amount of data you are uploading to the cloud.
Of course, this depends on the perspective of your IT workers, but it does not hurt to use both methods concurrently. You can have files local to your office, and files on the cloud that any employee can access, like training instructions and technical manuals.
Cloud computing and server use can be very beneficial to your business, but you can gain the same benefits from using a local server. If you are interesting in buying HP used servers, buying HP used parts, selling HP used servers, selling HP used parts, buying Dell used servers, buying Dell used parts, selling Dell used servers, or selling Dell used parts, contact Netcon Solutions in Toronto and the GTA for more information. You can do so in-store, or online at our website, today.